Our science and advocacy is backed by campaign staff, communicators, and development and administrative departments that make the organization effective and efficient.
Sonja Spears
Chief Justice & Equity Officer
Omari Spears
Web Associate
Mark Specht
Western States Energy Manager
Eric St. Jacques
Senior Planned Giving Officer
Karen Perry Stillerman
Deputy Director
Stephona Stokes
Senior Development Coordinator
Kristen Stoner
Daela Taeoalii-Tipton
Communications Officer I
Paris Thibault
Data Systems Manager
Elise Tolbert
Sr Energy Campaign Manager
Linda Trey
Community & Partnerships Organizer
Bryan Trinh
Campaign Associate
Precious Tshabalala
Alyssa Tsuchiya
Director of Policy and Government Affairs
Heather Tuttle
Production Manager/Editor
Shana Udvardy
Senior Climate Resilience Policy Analyst
Lisa Van Theemsche
Washington Representative II
Alex Vanderweele Ortman
Director of Membership
Melissa Varga
Science Network Senior Manager
Erick Velez
Data Analyst
Marisa Vertrees
Campaign Director
Abbey Vogel
Outreach Coordinator
Kim Waddell
Acting President
Bryan Wadsworth
Managing Editor